There are many definitions of feminism, and how to define it is itself a political issue. Broadly speaking, feminism is a political framework that challenges unequal power relations and promotes social justice and liberation. FJS and Wellspring embrace an expansive definition that is explicitly intersectional and anti-racist to address the multiple injustices that shape the lives of women, girls, and LGBTQI people. Black women, women of color, and Global South feminists have long asserted powerful visions that can guide our collective liberation, encapsulated by the Combahee River Collective’s 1977 statement. For the research presented in this site, Black feminism refers to “the coalition of practices and discourses developed by Black, Afro-descendant or racialized women from a transnational perspective, even when dealing with localized experiences in which they do not necessarily identify as ‘feminist’ but do have an intersectional approach when dealing with the complex relations of race, class, gender, sexuality, and age, among other significant domains” (Jeannette Tineo Durán).